food123“As for me, I will behold Your Face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake with Your likeness.”

Psalm 17:15

As Warren Wiersbe once said, “If you look at others, you get distressed; if you look at yourself, you get depressed; but, if you look to Jesus, you’ll be blessed.”

Occasionally someone will ask, “What does Jesus look like?”  The response depends upon the one answering the question.  Sometimes it’s “I don’t know” or “I don’t have a clue.”  Other times the answerer will launch into a description based upon his Middle Eastern descent, with black hair, dark eyes, olive-colored skin, etc.

While it’s true that most of us envision Him “in our own image”—i.e., if we’re Caucasian, white. . .Asian, brown-skinned with dark hair and eyes, etc., such a response misses the point of David’s words in today’s moving Manna.

We must remember the shepherd-king’s eschatology wasn’t as defined or refined as ours.  Everyone, good and bad, went to the same place (according to his beliefs):  Sheol, or the place of shadowy existence for all folks.  However, it would seem that he. . .like the other patriarchs of faith before him. . .somehow viewed his Creator differently than the average person.

Abel somehow knew God preferred a blood sacrifice over a different kind.  Enoch “walked with God” (Gen. 5:22, 24a) and, therefore, had a special relationship with Him.  Noah looked up and “found Grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen. 6:8).  Abraham was called “the friend of God” (James 2:23), which meant he enjoyed intimate fellowship with the One Who’d called him out (Gen. 12:4).

Thus, it’s likely that David somehow knew there was more that awaited him than an eternal realm of shadow-dwelling.  His description of God as “his Shepherd” (Ps. 23) is a beautiful one and reveals how lovingly he viewed the One Who guided and protected him.  Likewise, his various Messianic psalms indicate he knew that one day the Promised One from God would arrive here on earth and wonderful that day would be.

So, it’s possible his words are spiritual speculation; but, what if they were quiet anticipation of the Day when he would actually “behold His Face in righteousness”?  Would that not be the reason he went on to write “And when that happens, I shall be satisfied (Heb. ‘saba’—‘satiated, fulfilled, be at ease, filled to overflowing, etc.’)—for, when I awake, I’ll be in Your likeness (Heb. ‘temuwah’—‘image, fashioned alike, similitude, etc.’) or just like You.”

Isn’t that a wonderful thought, Pilgrim?  Are you looking forward to the time when you’ll finally look into those loving eyes of the One Who died for you on the Cross?  What will you see when you peer into them?  Unconditional Love, as Noah did?  Deep abiding Friendship, as Abraham did?  Will a torrent of hot tears flood down your cheeks as you fall like a limp dishrag at His Feet and kiss them in gratitude as the sinful woman did that day in Simon’s house?  It doesn’t matter; what does matter is that you’ll finally be Home. . .in His arms. . .and that Joy will be worth all the sorrows, toils and troubles you endured while getting there.  Hallelujah!!!

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated August 11, 2009

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