“But I am poor and needy. . .”
Psalm 40:17a
As the old Gospel hymn said, “All the fitness He requireth is to know our need of Him.”
What do you need today, Pilgrim?
That’s the question He asked Bartimaeus that day as He called the blind beggar alongside Him (Mk. 10:51). And, without hesitation Bartimaeus replied “Lord, that I might receive my sight.”
True life in Christ is found only when we realize Who He is, what we are and what we need. And, as today’s Manna so aptly says, it’s only when we realize we are “poor and needy” that we’ll cry out to Him from our “deep pit of miry clay,” knowing He’s the only One Who can “bring us out, set our feet upon a Rock, establish our goings and put a new song of praise in our mouths” (Ps. 40:1-3). Glory!!
But, again, we detest such a self-description.
It’s certainly not something we’d put on our resume if looking for a job. And, it’s certainly not the way we’d introduce ourselves in a small group of newcomers: “Hello, my name is __________ and I’m poor and needy.”
Nope, we want to put the best foot forward—for, as someone once said, “First impressions are lasting impressions.”
That’s why “big boys don’t cry.” That’s why we wear “Sunday-go-to-meeting plastic masks” when we assemble for worship and engage in elevator-talk with one another.
“Maybe they won’t think badly of me if I wear a smile and talk ‘happy-talk.’ At least then they won’t see the pained look in my eyes or the tear that’s about to spill over from the brim.”
But, oh, dear Pilgrim, there’s nothing wrong with being “poor and needy”—for only those know “the Lord thinks upon them and is their Help and Deliverer” (Ps. 40:17b). And, only those “delight to do His will. . .rejoice and are glad in Him. . .and love His Salvation as they continually say ‘The Lord be magnified’” (v.16).
So, how goes it, Pilgrim?
Are you “poor and needy?” Are you worn out from pretending and playing games, always trying to make others think you’re something you’re not?
If so, pause even now and tell the Lord.
He already knows; but He wants to hear it from you. Part of your recovery is admitting you’re not what you profess to be and are in need of His assistance. Quit defending yourself; let Jesus be your Defender. That’s His job (I Jn. 2:1).
By resting in His Righteousness—not yours—you enter into His Promised Rest (the Rest of right relationship with God the Father). And, by allowing Him to give you His pure white Robe of Righteousness for your “filthy rags of wretchedness” (Is. 64:6) you’ll feel more at ease in joining His Party called Eternal Life. Hallelujah!! Thank You, Lord.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated May 13, 2010