Christmas Sermon Series with PLR


Looking for Christmas Sermon and New Year Sermon Ideas?  Christmas Sermon Series and New Year Sermon Collection is composed of 9 sermon manuscripts, 4 Christmas sermons and 5 New Year sermons that comes with Private Label Rights. This will cover two months sermon ideas that you can use at your disposal.

You can use this for the following:

– Personal study for your upcoming sermon.
– Sermon series for your church.
– Sermon study reference as commentary.
– Discipleship material.
– Cell-group material.
– Sunday School material.
– Devotional material.
– And even as your own sermon.

NOTE: You will have to edit the material for the purpose you want to use it. For example, you will want to use it as discipleship material, better make another material by taking the main points then adding some fill in the blanks portion.

One of the most highly made sermons during the year are Christmas sermon series. Pastors and preachers start their manuscripts as early as October and November to prepare for the upcoming season.

So to help pastors, preachers, Bible students to have a good start, I have here my own personal collection of 4 Christmas sermons and 5 New Year’s sermons. Downloading this collection can:

  • Help pastors and preachers get ideas on what to preach for the season.
  • Help pastors and preachers to have a premade-manuscripts that they can improve.
  • Help pastors and preachers to have an entire two month covered for a premade sermon plan series.
  • Help pastors and preachers to create teaching materials for their discipleship lessons.

What you should remember when downloading this collection:

  • This is NOT a substitute for your personal study. The intention of this collection is to share information and get more ideas.
  • Though you can use the material as it is, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you study the material first so as to confirm / affirm its doctrinal soundness.
  • Typographical and grammar error does exist. These are raw manuscripts. It did not undergo through professional proofreading. It was edited and proofread by yours truly and I tried my best to present these materials the best I can. But it is your responsibility to edit, improve, proofread it if you are going to use it for your own purpose.

What you will get?

  • You will get an ebook.
  • You will get the raw file, the word document file. 

Where can I use this sermon collection?

Since this comes with Private Label Rights, you can use this in almost any way you want without worrying about “plagiarism”.

You can:

  • Edit the entire sermon collection and put your name as author.
  • Make another ebook out of the content of this ebook.
  • Use it as your sermon.
  • Use it a study material since these sermons are high quality and was made in accordance to the sound doctrine and principles. Kindly check our “Statement Of Faith”.
  • Revise it and make a discipleship material out of it.
  • Use it as a sermon series especially that this is arranged as “Walk through the Bible” sermons.
  • Use it in your book.
  • Take out each sermon and make it as individual blog post.
  • Make it as your Sunday School materials. Most of these sermons are well outlined and is good for Sunday School lesson.
  • Sell this with “Master Resell Rights” (see what “You Cannot” do below). When reselling it with Master Resell Rights, a link to must exist to the document.


  • Sell this material as it is, having the same PLR. This is to maintain our products in high quality and “ONLY” those who purchase from The Disciplers are entitled exclusively to edit these materials.


Why should I buy your sermon collection when there are tons of sermons online?

Simply because nearly “All” of the sermon collection online are copyrighted and you cannot resell them.  The Disciplers’ Sermon Collection comes with Private Label Rights where you don’t have to worry about plagiarism. It is sermon manuscripts written by yours truly.

Your sermon seems to be expensive?

NO. If you try to calculate, that's just about $2.50 per manuscript. Hiring someone to write one manuscript will cost you at least $10 per hour. It takes days to prepare for a sermon, and here you are getting it for just a cup of coffee per manuscript.  Furthermore, you are getting an "Editable Manuscript", meaning you get the "source code" of the manuscript. You just need to re-study, edit, and make a whole new material out of it. PLUS, if you want to use it in base form, consider it a "right" payment for printing it. It saves you time, and it saves you money. That's a WIN-WIN.

Christmas and New Year Sermon Collection is composed of 9 sermon manuscripts, 4 Christmas sermons and 5 New Year sermons. This will cover two months sermon ideas that you can use at your disposal.

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