Printable Child Dedication Certificate Templates


Having a new born baby being dedicated to the Lord is an exciting event. As a Church, it is better that you have a certificate fully customized for this event.

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Having a new born baby being dedicated to the Lord is an exciting event. As a Church, it is better that you have a child dedication certificate fully customized for this event.

Here’s what you get:

  1. One PDF File blank Child Dedication Certification. You can print this and just fill up the certificate by hand.
  2. Three Word Templates that you can fully customize. One has the Church address and Government Registration, and you can even put a logo. The other one have a verse in it. You can edit this template by changing the needed information by printing. The main advantage is that you get it all clean.


  1. You are allowed to customize or edit the templates.
  2. You are allowed to print as many as you can or as long as you need it in your Church.
  3. You CANNOT distribute the source files.
  4. One pastor one copy of the source files policy.

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