What Makes A Good Preacher

What makes a good preacher? It’s hard to imagine a Church when the pastor preaches and knows that his listeners are sinning, and all the more, if those listeners are not ready to admit their sins. I can imagine that preacher. He seems to be the enemy of the state for...

Lesson 6: Preaching With Passion

Preaching with passion is preaching with feelings with reality in the preacher’s life. This means that not only that he feels the message but also lives with it. It is hard to preach when the things that you preach is not true to your life. Preparing Yourself...

Lesson 5: Delivering What You Prepared

Now we have come to the point of implementing what we have written. It is now the time to get ready and preach what we learned from our study. In this chapter, we will talk about the things to prepare before preaching and the things to remember and to while preaching....

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