Beginning Discipleship Lesson 5 – Making Disciples Continue to conduct small group worship. Be sure to let them lead as much as possible in all aspects of your worship. Continue to hold them accountable to obey the previous lesson. The items for accountability...
Beginning Discipleship Lesson 3 “A Call to Reproduce” Whom will you tell about Jesus? Continue to conduct small group worship. Be sure to let them lead as much as possible in all aspects of your worship. Continue to hold them accountable for obedience....
Beginning Discipleship Lesson 2: Spiritually Empowered Continue to conduct small group worship. Be sure to let them lead as much as possible in all aspects of your worship. Review previous lesson Spiritual Emphasis: Being filled with and walking in the Spirit Story...
Beginning Discipleship Lesson 1: What Is A True Disciple (This concludes the follow-up section of their Level-2 training. Next they should be challenged to start the “Discipleship” training to be able to start their own group and start the multiplication...