“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
II Corinthians 11:3
In Christ, the K.I.S.S. (“Keep It Simple, Sir”) should always apply—especially in our theology and methodology.
That’s the watchword of our generation. Today there’s more information being generated in one month than some previous generations could know in a lifetime. Yet, in our proud thirsting for technological advancements, “the sound and the fury,” sophistication, conveniences, etc., today’s Manna is a strong warning to not “be corrupted (Grk. ‘phtheiro’—‘to pine or waste away, shrivel up, wither, ruin, decay, etc.’) from the simplicity (Grk. ‘haplotes’—‘singleness of mind, sincerity, generous bestowal, to fold together, be united, etc.’) that is in Christ.”
We should never forget the forbidden fruit was from “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2:9, 17). This doesn’t make much sense until we rephrase it and view it as “the tree of trying to figure it all out” or “the tree of judging right-and-wrong.”
Or, maybe we could call it “the tree that produces the fruit of pride.”
Never forget the fruit from this true caters to all three of our spiritual Achilles’ Tendons: “The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life” (Gen. 3:6; I Jn. 2:6). And, it is this latter one. . .that’s rooted in satan’s lie of “then your eyes will be opened and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil, and to make you wise” (Gen. 3:5, 6c).
Inherent within us is this secret, sinful desire: “To be as gods.”
Which really is “To be as God”—or, in reality “To be God.”
Do you see it, Pilgrim?
As Augustine said, “The original sin was pride.” There’s no doubt Adam and Eve’s sin was the sin of rebellion—i.e., listening to satan’s voice rather than God’s (3:1-5). Yet, it was that desire to “be God”. . .to wield great power. . .to know all things. . .to make others in their image . . .that intoxicated their senses, making them throw caution (and their intimate relationship with God) to the wind.
And, we know the results, don’t we (vv.8-24)?
Assuredly we do.
That’s why it’s so important—yea, imperative—that we not be “beguiled (Grk. ‘exapatao’—‘to seduce wholly, deceived, deluded, etc.’) through the devil’s subtilty (Grk. ‘panourgia’—‘trickery, sophistry, cunning craftiness, shrewdness, etc.’) and be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
Years ago the great German theologian, Karl Barth, was asked by a student what the greatest theological truth was he’d ever learned. Smiling, he leaned over his lectern, pushed down his half-glasses upon his nose and said, “Jesus loves me, This I know, For the Bible tells me so.” End of class. Exclamation point. End of story. Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated April 25, 2010