“As you have, therefore, received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him—rooted and built up in Him and established in the Faith, as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

Colossians 2:6-7

After Christ comes to live within us, ours is a life of “Treasure-walking,” not treasure-hunting.

New life in Christ is a spiritual transplant, if you will, where we receive “a new heart and mind” (Ez. 18:31; 36:26; II Cor. 5:17; Phil. 2:5).  And, we know these are Jesus’ Heart and Mind since He lives within us; therefore, the key is allowing Him to be Himself in us and surrendering control of our lives to Him.

Picture this, if you will:

You get in a car with someone else to go somewhere.  At first, you ride along quietly, enjoying the view and conversation.  But, soon, you become discontent and start telling the driver how to drive, where to turn, etc.  At first, this would simply be discourteous and rude; but, soon it’d become a point of contention.

Perhaps the driver is quite patient; yet, the time will come when he will stop the car, look at you and say, “I thought you wanted me to drive and said you wanted to go with me where I’m going.  So, why do you keep telling me where you want to go?  You don’t know where I’m going, so how can you know the way?  If you’re going to go with me, you need to let me drive; otherwise, the journey’s going to be quite long and frustrating for us both.”

Although a trite illustration, the point is still valid:  If we’ve truly “received Christ,” we should then “so walk in Him”—i.e., walking the “way” He would walk and going “where” He would go.  To do otherwise will result in conflict and confusion.  And, it will certainly leave one “rootless and restless” in the process.

Oh, dear Pilgrim, the only way we can “walk in Christ” is by being “rooted” in Him, which means being “grounded” in His Word.  If we do not hide His Word in our hearts, how will we know how to not sin against Him (Ps. 119:11)?  Likewise, it’ll be impossible for us to grow (“be built up”) in Him and be “established (Grk. ‘bebaioo’—‘to stabilize, make firm, be steadfast or sure, unwavering, etc.’) in the faith” apart from studying His Word (II Tim. 2:15).

Someone compared us to Christ’s RV in which he lives and gets around.  The key is making sure He’s the One in the driver’s seat.  In so doing, our “Treasure-living” will result in “abounding (Grk. ‘perisseuo’—‘to excel, be in excess of, enough and to spare, exceed, continually increasing, etc.’) Thanks-living” because we know Who’s in charge.

So, there you have it, Pilgrim.  Your marching orders for today are to “walk in Him.”  Go where He goes.  Do what He does.  Say what He says.  Love as He loves.  That way you’ll not have to wonder if you’re “walking worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, increasing in the knowledge of God and being strengthened with all might according to His glorious power  . . .” (Col. 1:10-11a).

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated December 20, 2009

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