Characteristics Of Wolves In The Church
Sharp Teeth – He or she appears to be very friendly, they wear sheep’s clothes, sound like sheeps, but later on they will start biting the church by their canine teeth by criticizing some church programs and the pastor. And one by one, members will start disintegrating and some will start thinking the same as these wolves.
Pointed Ears – He or she have an excellent hearing ability enough to hear the criticism of the leaders and set some private meeting with some of the members and the main topic is all about the leader’s fault and mistakes. And the worst thing is, they will even try to encourage you to pray for your leader to sow some doubts.
Padded Paws – They have sharp paws which they use to steal. They don’t use the doors, nor have any respect to the owner. The same is true about inside the Church.The wolves inside the church does not seek advice nor recognizes the authority of leaders.
Big Mouth – They appears to have a flashy, painted smile but have the last word in every conversation. He is more legalistic to the core and have greater interest on issues that seems to be spiritual so that he can have some followers. He would prefer to stay in power and judges and condemns all who disagree with him. He does not like to be corrected and when confronted with his sin, he refuses to discuss it rationally and will call it bitter argument or something like vicious attacks.
Shifty Eyes – He can easily see unattended sheep and those spiritually weak flock and fill in them all the criticisms and rules.
Slobber – He is not usually satisfied with what he got. He will leave the other sheep bruised and well beaten up and moves again to look for greener pastures looking for unsuspecting sheep with careless shepherds
Source: Reproducible: Pastoral Training by: Patrick O’Connor
In days to come says the lord of host i will send strong delusion in the church many will be decieved because they seek for miiracles signs and wonders they do not seek after me to know my ways and because of wanting things more than me the antichrist will decieve many by sow into them another image one that is not of me says the lord, becareful and very causious i will give the good of the land dont seek things seek kingdom principal, the enemy will perform miracle signs and wonders just as the true prophets and men/women of God do but it prophetic entanglement beaware be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove seek me now says the lord that you may know whot is good and sincere concerning evil says the lord of host your time is at hand
Thanks Laura!!!
I think the best thing to do is to approach the pastor about what he preached. You can always check whether or not the preaching/teaching is heresy or something that was created for what they want to hear. You have the Bible as a source of authority to check it. What does the Bible say about your pastor’s teaching.
Criticism is never healthy in the Church not even healthy within the family. I believe that we can always correct the pastor or a minister in a loving way and still with respect. This is to avoid any problems with an honest mistake.
But what if your pastor is really teaching something that is doctrinally wrong intentionally and only says what he wants to say instead of the Lord speaking to him? You can have several choices:
1. Approach your pastor, and present what was wrong. Be sure to hear his explanation in order to see if it is justified. If you are not convinced,
2. Consult another pastor (the one with sound doctrine) about the matter if your pastor is right.
3. If the pastor still pursued heresy, and won’t even mind reviewing what you are saying, then perhaps, you may want to transfer another Church who has a sound doctrine. But this should be your last resort.
To be honest, there is no specific method in what should solve the problem. Be sure however, that the Holy Spirit is with you when you are trying to correct the wrong teachings. Because if you yourself is not sure about the teachings, then it will be to your disadvantage. I strongly advise that you will spend some time to study God’s word first.
Don’t do any harm to the anointed one. I do hope that you get my point of giving respect to pastors and ministers. Get their attention in a loving way, just like Jesus called us who were sinners.
So then what if the teachers and pastors are the wolves preaching what is “tickling to the ears” of the congregation or pleasing to the senses. What if the teaching is not biblically sound? Are we not then to criticize that? Hmmm…. I see more churches leaving the Lord and settling for what pleases man.