“. . .stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.”
Job 37:14b
Doing this will cause us to catch our breath and bow our head/knees.
Of all the Morning Manna none is more pointed in its call for us to “be still and know that He is God” (Ps. 46:10). Set in the context of Job’s suffering, his friends’ accusations and Elihu’s indictment upon them all, this Manna puts it all in perspective—and is definitely one we need in this day-and-age of loss of reverence for Almighty God.
Job’s story is Everyman’s story. Who of us cannot identify with his suffering and his agonizing grappling over why this is happening to him? Likewise, his anguish is further increased by the accusations of his “friends,” who basically said “If you’d not sinned, this wouldn’t have happened to you.”
Sound familiar?
Regardless, all of them were guilty and needed to hear what Elihu had to say (32:1-37:24). Job’s problem was his self-righteous justification of himself and multitude of words (32:1-2; 34:37b), while his friends’ problem lay in their ill-placed, unfounded charges and condemning attitude toward him (32:3).
That’s why he directed their attention back to the proper Place in suffering: Almighty God.
Our failure to look to Him always leads to their types of responses. Without realizing it, our self-justification is an affront to God. . .as is our critical attitude towards others, which is rooted in self-centered pride.
But, Elihu reminded them (and us) that it is “the Almighty’s inspiration that gives us understanding” (32:8b) and His “breath which gives us life” (33:4). Likewise, His all-seeing Eyes “are upon the ways of man and He sees all of his goings. There is no darkness nor shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves” (34:21-22).
Consequently, all attempts to deceive Him or pretend that He’s not watching are both futile and foolish.
Therefore, we should “stand still”. . .cease from pretending and frantic busyness. . .and “consider (Heb. ‘biyn’—‘to separate mentally, distinguish, attend to, diligently discern, mark, etc.’) the wondrous works of God.” This is not a casual or cursory contemplation; it is “consecrated concentration” in which every part of our being (mind, heart, spirit and body) rises up to meet Him in humility and holiness.
Take some time today or this week, Pilgrim, to take a walk through the woods and “consider the wondrous works of our God.” Look closely at the ants as they go about their work; or, watch a mama bird searching diligently for her young’s food and then lovingly feeding them.
Or, go out at night and “lift your eyes higher than the hills and consider the heavens, the moon and the stars—all works of our God’s Hand and set into place according to His design” (Ps. 8:3). Then, bow your head and whisper, “What is man that You are mindful of him? And the son of man that You visit him?” (v.4). Don’t be surprised at what you hear.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated September 30, 2009