Stronger by Hillsong(with chords and lyrics) a worship song from the album This is Our God. Written by a famous Hillsong member, Reuben Morgan. This song is about our God who is very strong and saved us by taking all the sins away from the world.


by Hillsong

INTRO: F  G  C/E  C/E  F  G  C/E  C/E

         F         G        C
There is Love that came for us
        F    G        C
Humbled to a sinner's cross
             F         G     Am
You broke my shame and sinfulness
          F       G    F
You rose again victorious   (Back to Intro)

        F         G     C/E
Faithfulness none can deny
C           F         G           C/E
Through the storm and through the fire
C        F          G       Am
There is truth that sets me free
G     F          G        C
Jesus Christ who lives in me

G       C                 G
You are stronger, You are stronger
       Am               F
Sin is broken, You have saved me
      C                  G
It is written, Christ is risen
      F       G       F
Jesus You are Lord of all

     F       G      C
No beginning and no end
          F        G    C
You’re my hope and my defense
            F        G        Am
You came to seek and save the lost
       G    F    G       C
You paid it all upon the cross

F  F  Am  G  C  C/E  G  G/B

            F               Am
So let Your Name be lifted higher
   G      C   C/E
Be lifted higher
             G  G/B
Be lifted higher

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