“Study to show yourself approved unto God—a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”

II Timothy 2:15

It’s not our knowledge of Bible facts, dates and historical events that transforms us; it’s the One Who speaks to us through that study.


Such a harsh-sounding word to one who hated school and tests during his/her formative years.  Much better was recess or P.E. classes where games could be played.  Perhaps that’s why so few Pilgrims regularly heed today’s Manna—and, in so doing, leave themselves vulnerable and powerless against the enemy in spiritual warfare.

Ours is increasingly a visual society.  Mass-media has greatly changed our way of doing things and our worldview.  Consequently, most of our reading is casual or leisurely, limited primarily to newspapers, magazines or our favorite type of book (e.g., fiction, novel, historical narrative, etc.).

But, sadly, when it comes to simply sitting down and reading God’s Word. . .from cover to cover. . .we find it incredibly difficult.

“I just can’t grasp all that Old Testament stuff,” says one.

All those numerous ‘begets’ are boring and those Levitical dietary laws, types of sacrifices, etc., are meaningless in today’s society and I don’t need to know them,” he adds.

While such objections are understandable, the fact remains we can’t know the New Testament without knowing the Old.  And, we can’t appreciate the Old Testament and its role in God’s “salvation-history” without a working knowledge of the New.

That’s why it’s important for us to “study” God’s Word. . .all of it. . .so we can “rightly divide (Grk. ‘orthotomeo’—‘to make a straight cut, dissect, correctly interpret, etc.’) it.”  This is a word picture of building a straight road through a forest by felling all the trees in its path.

And, this will not happen without a conscious, conscientious, intentional commitment to a daily reading and meditating on God’s Word.  Only then will we be “approved (Grk. ‘dokimos’—‘acceptable, tried-and-true, pleasing, etc.’) unto God and an unashamed workman.”  Again, our attitude toward God’s Word is really a reflection of our attitude toward the One Who inspired it (II Tim. 2:14-17).

Paul also warns Timothy (and us) about getting into lengthy arguments with others over God’s Word (vv.14, 16).  Such debates are divisive and fruitless (v.14b), “subvert (Grk. ‘katastrophe’—‘overturn, demolish, upset, turn upside down, etc.’) the hearers” (v.14c) and “increase unto more ungodliness” (v.16b).  And, they should be “shunned” (vv.16a, 23)—i.e., “avoided at all costs”—because the devil is always the winner in such matters.

So, make studying God’s Word your priority and passion, Pilgrim.  In so doing, you’ll better know God’s Will and be better equipped to “always give a gentle, reverent answer and reason for your hope to everyone that asks you” (I Pet. 3:15).

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated July 5, 2006

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