by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Featured
If you are familiar with BibleWorks 8, for sure you will also love this upgrade. It’s compatible with the latest Windows 7 Operating System. The best thing is, the price is almost the same as the 2008 edition. I had the opportunity to use BibleWorks in my...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Discipline, Morality/Immorality, Primary, Reviews
Use Porn Blocker to Block Websites To Protect Your Family! You need to block websites, at least those that are unhealthy for your family. Are you concerned about unsolicited Internet Pornography and adult content slipping through the cracks and ending up on your PC?...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, For Pastors Only, Free SS Materials, FREEBIES
Are you using Linux as your Operating System in your computer? If you do, probably you are having some problem in installing a better Bible Software. Well, most of us who cannot afford to buy real good Bible Softwares, we go to E-sword . The problem is, so far, people...