by Vince Olaer | Devotionals, Featured, Pastoral
In my 17 years of pastoral ministry, there are two main school of thoughts that I have found out when it comes to reading the Bible. Two Schools of Thoughts The first school of thought is: “Do not read the Bible”. There are also two common reasons among people...
by Vince Olaer | Featured, Ministries, Pastoral
Is it ethical and helpful to invite another active Christian friend from other Church to attend to your Church? We can find Mega Churches left and right in urban areas. If you are from a mega church, how do you do evangelism? How do you share the gospel to the lost?...
by Vince Olaer | LASBC News, Sermon Outlines
I am giving away this free discipleship module The Church: The Center Piece of God’s Plan. This module is the product of our study and training with Leader’s For Cohort. It mainly tackles about the Church and it’s role in the mission of Christ,...
by Vince Olaer | Sermon Outlines
Matthew 28:19-20 Tells us three things to embrace in becoming a disciple of Christ: Accepting the Gospel Message – What gospel then are we to receive? [biblegateway passage=”Acts 10:34-48″] tells us about this gospel especially in verses 39-40 39 We are...
by Vince Olaer | Evangelism
Today, we baptized 4 second generation believers and 1 first generation believer. A second generation believer is a believer that came to know Christ through the sharing of the gospel of salvation by the first generation believer. For example, someone came to know...