by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Eschatology, Pastoral, Sermon Outlines, Theology
Most Common False Prophecies In our world today, there are many false prophecies and false prophets. This part two of the Gifts of The Holy Spirit Series will tell you the most common false prophecies that until now many people get into being scammed. I hope this...
by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology
In one of the email forums that I’ve been following, there were two question raised that I will try to answer in this post. The questions were: 1. Did Mary remained a virgin after giving birth to Jesus? 2. or.. Did Jesus have natural physical...
by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Theology
This is a correspondence from a friend Johnrob. He’s inquiries are numbered, while my answer is marked “Answer”. From correct A to slightly wrong B 1. As pointed out, a Catholic understanding of the true teaching can be mistaken. Even my personal understanding...
by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Featured, Theology
Sola Scriptura Principle As The Source of Doctrinal Authority In one of the blogs that I have been following, there was a question raised; “Where exactly in the Bible that Sola Scriptura appear?”, well I would like to answer this question in a non-debatable way. Here...
by Vince Olaer | Doctrines and Theology, Pastoral, Theology
Praying The Rosary Is Not Biblical, And Is A Form Of Idolatry Just last Sunday, a local newspaper paper released an article teaching that the praying of the Holy Rosary is Bible-based. In the first two paragraphs, the writer admittedly says that there is no passage in...