by Vince Olaer | Lighthouse Updates, Ministries
Our Church The Lighthouse Christian Ministry – Ormoc is currently conducting Vacation Bible School. For some Churches, Vacation Bible School or VBS is a yearly activity that the Church is hosting to cater the spiritual needs of the children creatively. However, VBS at...
by Vince Olaer | Featured
Kids today are growing disconnected to nature. They spend more time indoors than outdoors, and even when they are outdoors, they seldom take time to notice their surroundings. Their ears are plugged with earphones and their eyes are glued to their cellphones and other...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Evangelism, Lighthouse Updates, Primary
VBS Graduation Our VBS 2009 has just finished. We had a pretty good graduation ceremony. We have about 205 enrollees this year, and it is the biggest VBS that we have conducted for the past 3 years. It blessed many students and even parents who have seen our efforts...
by Vince Olaer | Children's Ministry, Evangelism
Sermon For VBS (Sidekicks) Title: Celebrating God’s Immeasurable Power. Introduction Over the past few days, we have seen how immeasurable the power of God is. What we are going to do now therefore, is to relearn what we already have learned. We will try to...