You have probably heard of the 5 Love Languages, if so, this book is the “Men’s Edition”. First, let me give to you the 5 love languages discussed in this book but this time let me focus on what should men do: the 5 love languages

Words of Affirmation – Your wife needs affirmation, you need to continuously say “I love you” and show the affirmation of your love and appreciation to her.

Quality Time – Give time to your family. Your time is more valuable than money, always remember that. I suggest you hear the song of Casting Crowns entitled American Dream, to relate on this matter.

Gifts – Some women love to receive gifts, if it is true to your wife, then learn to surprise her with a gift more frequently than just giving a gift on your anniversary.

Acts of Service- Learn to serve your wife just like the way you do it when you are still courting her.

Physical Touch – Learn to hold the hands of your wife, hug her more frequently, and kiss her with love. Some women love to be hug, and if this is true to your wife, learn how to hug her more frequently.

“Are you happy? Only if your wife is…”

You can only have a satisfactory enjoynment in your marital life if your wife is happy. There was a saying “If mom is not happy, nobody is happy.” This is where you see the important role of a wife inside the house. They bring happiness within the relationship as long as we as husbands keep them happy.

What’s The Difference of Men’s Edition From The Original Book?

The main difference of this book from the original is that, this book focussed on men’s perspective of relationship and love. It tells us how men should value its relationship with its wife.

Who Should Read This Book?

This book is highly recommended for all husbands and all those men who are planning to get married. This is your initial blueprint for successful marriage.

My Personal Opinion Of This Book

I know the 5 love languages lectures will make an impact the first time I read the original book and watched Gary Chapman’s videos not because it is something new, but because it is an affirmation on what the Bible says in Ephesians 5 about the relationship of husbands and wife. When breaking down the principle of Love and Respect between spouses, the 5 love languages is what you will get.

The book is not just about emotional dealings, but a practical application of biblical principles of marital relationship. I strongly recommend this book to be taught in churches. This is definitely one of the best authentic Christian marital relationship builder book out there.

Where and How To Get This Book?

If you live in the Philippines, this book is now available almost in all Christian bookstores nationwide. Or you can simply order through Church Strengthening Ministry.

If you live in the US, you can order this book below.

473160: The 5 Love Languages, Men"s Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts The 5 Love Languages, Men’s Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts

By Gary Chapman / Northfield Press

In this “men’s only” edition of The Five Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman guides husbands, boyfriends, and fianc&#233s in speaking their sweetheart’s love language. Each chapter concludes with ten practical and simple ways to express your love to your wife or girlfriend in a language she understands. As an extra bonus, the book includes a promotional code to gain access to a new online love language assessment tool. Paperback.

473622: Five Love Languages Gift Edition: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate Five Love Languages Gift Edition: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate

By Gary Chapman / Northfield Press

Keepsake gift book for couples, now in handsomely bound volume as a guide and keepsake all through your marriage. The 5 Love Languages has been effective in helping couples of all agesbuild a healthy, lasting relationship, and can make a difference in your marriage. Gifted author Gary Chapman teaches steps to understanding and speaking your partner’s love language. Chapters in this book are categorized by love language for easy reference and each concludes with a simple and practical exercise for expressing your love in thatlanguage. Elegant faux leather edition is the perfect giftfor engagement, wedding, Valentine’s Day, or any special couple’s occasion. Shrinkwrapped. A Focus on the Family Recommendation.

029567: The 5 Love Languages, DVD The 5 Love Languages, DVD

By Dr. Gary Chapman / Cloud Ten

Affirming words, quality time, giving gifts, serving, physical touching—these five special ways of “speaking” will get your new marriage off to a great start or enhance the emotional climate of a long-standing one! Dr. Gary Chapman explains the purpose of each “language” and shows you how to identify the one that is most meaningful to your spouse. Approx. 65 minutes.

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