“. . .and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary.”

Acts 28:10b

Never doubt God’s Love for you or underestimate His ability to supply your needs in some most unusual ways.

They were shipwrecked.  Penniless.  Washed up on shore without a single thing to their name (27:44).  Yet, God in His faithful Mercy used the residents of Melita (Malta) to show them amazing kindness (v.2) and even “honor them with many honors (Grk. ‘timao’—‘a prize, things of value, something honored, dear or esteemed, etc.’) and lade them down with such things as were necessary.”

Simply put, these folks—whom Luke described as “barbarous people” (v.2)—demonstrated great Grace and generosity to Paul and his 275 companions that day.  We should never forget the Lord God is also at work in the lives of those around us.  And, sometimes He bestows His blessings upon us through the most unusual sources.

Why do we doubt that, Pilgrim?

Why do we sometimes fret and worry about this or that when the Lord Jesus Himself has said the Father’s eye is upon the tiny, motley, mite-ridden sparrow and we’re of “much more value than these” (Mt. 6:26-30; 10:29-31)?

He knows our needs and has promised to supply them (Phil. 4:19).

We may never find ourselves shipwrecked and washed up on a strange island in the open sea.  But, the same God that led the Maltese people to provide for Paul and his companion’s needs is the same God Who will supply ours.  Likewise, never forget the same God Who caused the Egyptians “to show favor in the sight of their captors and give them such things as they required” (Ex. 12:36) is the same Jehovah-Jireh God Who heard Hagar’s cries (Gen. 16:6-13; 21:14-20) and will also hear ours.

As someone once said, “He Who calls you will also keep you.”

Thus, this God, Who “owns the cattle on 1,000 hills” (Ps. 50:10), is the same One Who “knows when we sit down and when we rise up” (Ps. 139:2).  He knows if we climb to the top of Mt. Everest. . .descend into the deepest part of the sea in a submarine. . .or board a 747 for the other side of the world. . .for “even there His Hand will lead us and His right Hand shall hold us secure” (vv.7-10).  Hallelujah!!

Although it appeared the fierce Euroclydon, Noreastern wind had driven them off-course (Acts 27:13-15), the Lord God of Heaven knew where they were and would still “direct their paths” (Prov. 3:5-6).  He knew the Maltese people needed to hear the Gospel and that Publius’ father “lay sick of a fever and bloody flux” and needed healing (Acts 28:8).

That’s why Paul didn’t fear the storm or the serpent (Acts 27:21-25; 28:3-5) and could even host the Lord’s Supper in the storm (27:35-36)—for He knew Christ was the “Calm in the storm.”  Glory!!  So, do not be anxious, dear Pilgrim, when things seem to be falling apart or the cupboard is growing increasingly bare.  Trust the Lord.  He’s faithful.  And, He “knows the path that you take” (Job 23:10) and will lead you where He wants you to be as you trust Him.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated August 10, 2010

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