“But let him that glories glory in this: That he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, Who exercises loving-kindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth—for in these things I delight, says the Lord.”
Jeremiah 9:24
Before there were the sun, moon and stars,
The galaxies and the Milky Way,
Our Creator God, with Whom there’s no beginning or end
Thought He’d begin creating one day.
So into that black vacuum called outer space
He spoke into existence everything we see—
But from the dust He created the first man, Adam,
Who was just exactly like you and me.
For fellowship He created him,
To share in sweet communion;
And every day in the Garden He’d talk with them
In their intimate “communion-union.”
Although later on they’d sin against Him
By eating that which was forbidden,
The Lord God continued to love and forgive them
In spite of their nakedness and sin.
Until this day He continues to yearn
For sweet fellowship with everyone,
To reveal His love and plan for our lives
Which are found by abiding in His dear Son.
“I really want you to know Me,”
The Father whispers to all,
“Simply stop what you’re doing and listen
When your name I so quietly call.
“No longer am I some far-away God,
Who seems so distant from mortal man—
For I loved you enough to send you my Best
So you would know your problems I understand.
“Come now and get to know Me,
For in this I do delight;
That way you’ll never wonder if I love you,
Regardless of what’s happening day or night.”
–Tom Smith