“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11
How quietly the world slept that night
When Heaven came down to earth;
No dignitaries or television cameras
Showed up to recognize or record His Birth.
In a tiny innkeeper’s stable
The Son of God was born.
And from His birth until His death
He’d be rejected, despised and scorned.
But in reality it really didn’t matter
That those in attendance were so few,
For the One born in Bethlehem that night
Would accomplish what He was sent here to do.
“For unto you is born this day,”
The angel of the Lord did recite,
“The One you’ve been waiting for all your life
Is born in Bethlehem tonight.
“He is the Savior sent from God above,
Who’ll save you from your sins;
He’s also the Christ, the Lord of all,
The One the Father promised to send.
“Although He’s born tonight
In a lowly cattle’s stall,
One day He’ll want to live within your heart
And to be there when you call.
“Although He’ll be despised and rejected
During His years upon this earth,
He’ll still fulfill His Mission
By transforming through the second birth.
“Yes, tonight the One for Whom you’ve been waiting
Has finally come to you;
Come now and place your trust in Him
And see what in you He can do.”
–Tom Smith