“And he trembling and astonished said, ‘Lord, what will You have me to do’?”

Acts 9:6a

Once we realize this, we’ll see our effectiveness in praying increase.

His request was a simple one:  “Lord, what will You have me to do?”  Yet, it was in immediate response to the answer to his first one:  “Who are You, Lord?  And the Lord said, ‘I Am Jesus, Whom you persecute. . .’” (v.5a).

How different our prayers (and requests) would be if we always remembered to Whom we’re praying.  How much more power we’d have in our lives if we remembered Who’s indwelling our hearts (Jn. 11:25-26).

No wonder Saul was “trembling and astonished.”

Suddenly, he was confronted face-to-Face with the Risen Lord Himself.  And, suddenly, he realized his zeal for the Law was mistaken and misplaced.  In persecuting those early born-again saints he’d actually been “persecuting the Lord Himself” (vv.4, 5a)!

Yes, no wonder he was “trembling and astonished.”

We would have been, too.

Thankfully, Saul responded the way he did:  “Lord, what will You have me to do?”  And, thankfully, our loving Lord told him what to do (v.6b).  Hallelujah!!

Aren’t you glad the Savior never gives up on us?  Aren’t you glad He still comes looking for us as He did Peter and the disciples that morning on the seashore after the Resurrection (Jn. 21:1-17)?  And, aren’t you glad the Heavenly Father is always ready to come “running to meet us, showering us with Heavenly kisses and a Holy Hug” when we return to Him in brokenhearted repentance (Lk. 15:11-20)?  Glory!!

That’s why Saul responded the way he did.  And, that’s why we should also respond the same way.

So often our prayers are filled with “Lord, I need this or that” or “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why haven’t You answered my prayer yet?”  No wonder our prayers are so ineffectual!  We wear Him out with our self-centered pettiness!!

Yet, He is a loving and patient Heavenly Father, well-acquainted with our frailties of flesh and feebleness of faith.  And, truly “it’s by His Mercies we’re not consumed and His compassions are new every morning” (Lk. 3:21-23).

Effective praying begins when we say “Lord, teach me to pray” (Lk. 11:1a).  It then must be followed and saturated with “Lord, what would You have me to do?”  Remember:  The clay’s responsibility is to lie quietly on the Potter’s Wheel and say “Have Thine own way, Lord; have Thine own Way.”

What does He want you to do today, Pilgrim?  You don’t have a clue?  Simply be still and listen (Ps. 46:10a).  He’ll let you know.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated January 2, 2010

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