Here are some tips on preparing for the super typhoon Haima (aka Lawin) as it approaches the Northern Philippines.  I just want to share some few things in preparing for the typhoon. This is just based on experience that I learned from being a survivor of Super Typhoon Haiyan the strongest typhoon so far that made a landfall.

typhoon haima

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  1. Store instant foods – When you know that a typhoon is going to hit your area, buy and store instant foods that can be easily cooked. Normally when a strong typhoon hits, power will be cut off and probably some stores will be closed for days. So better to have at least food enough for a week. If the typhoon is as strong as Haiyan having 275 kph winds, better to store food good for a month if you can but don’t panic if you can’t. The most crucial times is your first week after the typhoon. I know it’s crazy and it’s a lot of food, but that’s where we fell short because we thought recovery will only take a week yet it took 5 months for our power to be restored, and it took around a month before you can buy goodies from the grocery.
  2. Check your generators and store some fuel – Make sure you store the gasoline for your generator in a safe place as it may also cause fire accidents if you are not careful enough. Powers may be cut down for quite a while so better be prepared for it.
  3. Get some batteries for flashlights and power banks for your cellphone – Always assume that there will be blackouts. So better to have these things ready. If you have emergency lights, have them fully charged before the typhoon hits.
  4. Prepare your first aid kit and clearing tools– Assume that roads may be blocked after the typhoon. So you need to be prepared in case accidents happen. Make sure you have your first aid kits ready and it should include some basic over-the-counter medicines. Bolo, hammer, and saw maybe a good start for your clearing tools after the typhoon.
  5. Prepare you emergency bag pack – You need to prepare your emergency bag pack that contains your first aid kits, some clothes and underwear, some instant food, flashlight, and battery. In this way, in case of flooding, landslide, storm surge, or anything that could happen that needs immediate evacuation, at least you have a few days kit for survival. And you can carry it in just one pack.
  6. Always monitor where the typhoon is – If you have a battery operated radio, the better. Usually, that is the best source of your info before, during and after the typhoon while the power is out.
  7. Stay indoor – Do not experiment going outside measuring the winds unless it is extremely needed. There could be flying debris that could hit you. Do not attempt to repair your roof while the typhoon is passing in your area. You’ll have time for that later when strong winds are gone.
  8. If you are living in coastal area, better evacuate and follow government’s advisory.
  9. Have your cars filled with gas / diesel – Based on my experience, it took at least 2 months to have gasoline stations came back to normal after Haiyan. So better have your vehicle in full tank before the typhoon.
  10. Pray and have faith – Which is the most important thing to do. “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ([biblegateway passage=”Matthew 17:20″])

So right now, we’ve been praying for our brothers there in Northern part of the Philippines where Super Typhoon Haima is expected to hit. And we are encouraging you to also pause for a prayer for them. Thank you! Keep safe everyone.

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