“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8
Never has there ever been a promise more precious than this one.
Stop what you’re doing right now, close your eyes and whisper a prayer to Heaven. Ask the Lord to clear the clutter from your mind. . .quiet the noises in your heart. . .and calm your anxious or burdened spirit so you can hear His Voice on this Manna.
Ours is an ever-changing world where nothing is sacred anymore (or so it seems). Values long-cherished are being discarded right-and-left with nary a twinge of conscience. Those who protest are marginalized, or worse, denounced, derided, disenfranchised and despised.
But, do not fear, Pilgrim.
There’s One Who never changes. In His Love. In His Care. In His Promises. In His Provisions.
And, that One is “Jesus the Christ”. . .the one-of-a-kind Son of God. . .Who came to love sinners like you and me. . .and gave His Life upon a cruel Cross. . .so we could be forgiven, cleansed and changed.
Just as He covered Adam and Eve’s nakedness by a blood sacrifice, so did He become God’s Passover Lamb “that takes away the sins of us all” (Jn. 1:29, 36). Just as Noah looked up “and saw Grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen. 6:8), so are those same eyes longing for you to look up and see the same.
Just as He fulfilled His Promises to Abraham, so will He fulfill them to us. Just as Joseph “prospered wherever He was because God was with him” (Gen. 39:2-5, 21-23), so will He do the same for us as we trust Him to be Immanuel in our lives. Just as He forgave David after he committed adultery and had Bathsheba’s husband killed. . .and just as He went looking for Peter on the seashore that day and re-commissioned him for service. . .and just as He transformed Saul, the prolific persecutor of the early church. . .so will He do the same for us. . .for He is “the same yesterday, today and forever.”
If there was ever a time in your life when the Lord came to your aid “just in the nick of time,” do not fear: He’ll do it again. If there was ever a time when you wondered how you were going to pay that bill—and out of nowhere some unexpected money arrive—do not doubt: He knows your needs and will supply them (Phil. 4:19).
The devil will tempt you to doubt. The world will laugh at you and call you foolish. Even some of those who call themselves Christians will berate you for clinging to such antiquated beliefs and reading such an out-of-date book as the Bible.
But, do not listen to them, dear Pilgrim. Instead, close your eyes and say aloud: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” Repeat it once again: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” One more time: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” Then rest in that and live in confidence today, knowing it’s true. Hallelujah!!
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated September 18, 2009