What are the disciples of Christ? In this post, we will not only be talking about its definition but we will be talking what they really are.
As Christians, we are called adopted sons and daughters of the living God. We were called to do what God wants us to do.
Peter used 5 different comparisons with the disciples of Christ. This tells us who are we and our role in this world. We are not just saved without a purpose. We were called to be someone
1 Peter 2:5 and 9
v. 5 You yourselves, as living stones, are built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood and to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
v.9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may proclaim the virtues of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
As Living Stones – As God builds the temple at Zion, God has different materials, different kinds of stones. Christ is the Chief Cornerstone (v.6) that was laid in Zion while you are a living stone. Imagine yourself, in what part are you going to be used?
Will it be in the foundation? Will it be for the finishing part? The idea of the passage is that, the materials that are composing the temple. The foundation is a living foundation so as all other structures within it.
Peter was simply showing how beautiful the temple is. Each part of the temple has its own purpose and adds to its beauty. But what kind of materials are we? Do we add to the beauty of the temple?
Chosen People – God chose us. We are the chosen people. And since we are the chosen, we are those who were set apart to obey. He is the one who gave us a favor and not us giving Him a favor. This means that we are the one who owe Him. But sometimes we act as if God owe us something.
Looking deeper in our lives, are we obeying God as one of the chosen people set apart to do His work? Or do we still think that we are the one who chose God?
Royal Priesthood – In verse 5, it used the word priests. The word “priests” that was used here are those that brings the offering of the people to God. They are the one who takes care of the temple of the living God.
In verse 9, Peter made it clear that we are not just priests, we are Royal Priests. We serve the King of kings and Lords of lords. That is how delicate our job is. As Royal Priests, we are supposed to be the one who follows the word of God carefully. We are supposed to be guiding others to be faithful to Christ.
Holy Nation – We build up the nation of God. We are the nation who obey and honor God. We are those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. We are the one consecrated for God. Separated from the world and only obeys God.
A nation is build up by a group of people under one government. And our ruling King is no other than our Lord Himself. He is the ultimate authority to whom we must follow.
God’s Own People – We are God’s people. God already claimed his ownership to us. As His creation, we are bound to Him and not to any other being.
Our loyalty is to Him, neither to the saints nor to another created being. Our heart, mind, and soul are for Him and Him alone.
Just as we are identified in our characters as a Filipino if we are Filipinos, or as an American if we are American, we should be identified in the world as Christians, as someone who adhere to the word of God. Someone who obeys Jesus Christ.
The Following Are Very Helpful Discipleship Books
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The Adventure of Discipling Others: Training in the Art of Disciplemaking
By Ron Bennett & John Purvis / NAV Press Jesus believed in the power of one. From the woman dawdling by the well to the tax collector dangling from a tree. Jesus called out and mentored the individual. He turned the beleaguered into the beautiful, the meager into the mighty, by pointing them to God and spotlighting their potential. He knew one person could stir up the world and make a spiritual difference. Just like Jesus you can pour faith into believers, helping them grow spiritually and fulfill their unique niche in God’s kingdom. With The Adventure of Discipling Others, anyone can mentor and love the process. Reading this book you’ll cultivate a passion for life-to-life discipling. You’ll discover the amazing impact one life can have on another. |
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The Complete Book of Discipleship: On Being and Making Followers of Christ
By Bill Hull / NAV Press The first book in The Navigator Reference Library, The Complete Book of Discipleship is the definitive A to Z resource on discipleship and disciple making for every Christian. Drawing from the best in discipleship literature as well as from his own extensive disciple making experience with The Navigators, Bill Hull pulls together all relevant topics in one comprehensive volume. Well-organized and fully indexed, you’ll find included such topics as spiritual growth, transformation, spiritual disciplines, and discipleship in the local church. Given that The Navigators have more than 70 years of practical discipleship ministry experience world-wide, you’ll find The Complete Book of Discipleship a trusted resource. |