“So I prophesied as He commanded me and the breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”
Ezekiel 37:10
Lifeless, lying-on-the-ground cadavers or a Spirit-filled cavalry; the choice is ours.
They looked good—this newly-formed army that surrounded Ezekiel in Death Valley that day. But, there was one problem: They were lifeless (v.8c). . .they were still lying flat on the ground (v.10b). . .and they were still “without hope, separated and in their graves” (v.11).
No amount of planning, programming, organization, marketing, etc., can substitute for a Spirit-led, Spirit-anointed revival.
It may look good on paper. And, there may be an increase in attendance, budgets, buildings, etc. But, it’ll still be man-made and dependent upon fleshly resources to keep it going.
That’s why we must ever-guard against substituting our ways for God’s ways (Is. 55:9).
Even though those early followers of Christ had “seen Him alive and witnessed many unmistakable proofs during the 40 days following His Resurrection” (Acts 1:3), they still had to “wait for the Promise of the Father” in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4) before doing anything or going anywhere after His Ascension.
And, what did they do until the Promise and the Power came?
They “continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1:14).
They didn’t hold a “Miracle Crusade.” They didn’t sit in the coffee shop, comparing notes on what they’d seen and heard. They didn’t print up flyers and canvass the neighborhood in hopes of building a mega-church.
No, they simply “continued in one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1).
“Waiting for the Promise of the Father.”
And, what was that Promise?
“Being baptized with the Holy Ghost” (1:5).
And, what was that?
A supernatural outpouring of the Holy Spirit in power (2:1-4).
And, what was the purpose of this outpouring?
So “with all boldness they could speak God’s Word” (Acts 2:29).
. .and see Him “stretch forth His Hand to heal so that signs and
wonders would be done in the Name of His Holy Child, Jesus” (v.30).
Oh, dear Pilgrim, in these last days God is wanting to revive His lifeless, powerless Church. He’s wanting us to “stand upon our feet as an exceedingly great Army” (Ez. 37:10b) and go forth conquering in His Name. He’s already told us we have the Power to do “even greater works than He did because He goes to the Father” (Jn. 14:12-13; Rom. 8:37; Phil. 1:21). The question is “Do we believe Him?” and “Are we willing to stop everything we’re doing—refusing to continue on with ‘business as usual’—and pray for the ‘fire to fall and the Glory to fill’?” (II Chron. 7:1-3; Acts 2:1-2)? What will be our response? He’s waiting.
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated February 7, 2010