Just a couple of hours ago, I came from the hospital to be with the family of my Church member. It’s a sad scene, people are crying and seems like the rest are talking to each other what had happened earlier. The father of my member was killed by a drunk neighbor and it’s just it, his life was over.
Then suddenly, the invitation for me to go and visit him flashes back. A few weeks ago, his wife invited me to go and visit him. She said that I can go and visit him and share him God’s love and it is better for him to go to our church than just stay at home. Plans plans plans… it remained a plan. Now it’s over. I have no chance of sharing him God’s love.
With as much as I want to share the gospel, an unexecuted plan to share it is still a failure to share. Perhaps, it’s now the time for reflection. I cannot stand the fact that I was too late. Lessons can be drawn from here and I do hope I will learn.
1. Make the most of every opportunity. Just go when there is an invitation. Tomorrow maybe too late. And yes indeed, I was late.
2. Never give up sharing the gospel. Lots of people will not accept it for sure. But there are still those who will. So why need to focus on those who will not accept it when I can think of those people who will.
3. Make evangelism a lifestyle. It just has to be a lifestyle.
What will you do if someone gives you the opportunity to share the gospel of Christ? Are you going to wait for your pastor to do that? Beware my friend, tomorrow might be too late. Share the gospel now!
I like what we see in freezer vans that delivers highly perishable goods. It says there, “Perishable Goods, DO NOT Delay”. In the same way, DO NOT Delay the gospel my friend, tomorrow maybe too late.