With All I Am by Hillsong with Chords and Lyrics is a worship song performed by Darlene Zschech. This song is about committing again on the hands of our Lord because we believe in Him and He is the reason why we live.

With All I Am

by Hillsong

Key: D
Verse 1:
D              A/C#           Bm
Into Your hands    I commit again
Bm/A  G        A      D
All I am  for You Lord
                A/C#                    Bm
You hold my world  in the palm of Your hands
   Bm/A    G     A    Em7 Asus4
And I am Yours Forever

   A         D  A/C#  G/B
Jesus, I believe   in You
           D/F# F#m    G
Jesus, I belong    to You
You're the reason that I live
                  Asus4 A
The reason that I sing
With all I am

Verse 2:
D              A/C#                  Bm
I walk with You    wherever You will go
        Bm/A       G         A         D
Through tears and joy I'll trust in You
               A/C#               Bm
And I will live    In all of Your ways
         Bm/A    G           A  Em7
And Your promi - ses  for - ever

       Dsus4  D  A/C#
I will wor - ship
       G/B   Bm     A
I will wor - ship, You

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