Your Love Is Extravagant by Casting Crowns
Lyrics and music by Darrell Evans
(Chords From:

Capo 2

D/F#     G   Bm   A     D/F#     G  Bm  A
Your love              is extravagant
     D/F#     G   Bm   A       D/F#    G  Bm  A
Your friendship,         it is intimate
D/F#          G           Bm             A       
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace
               D/F#      G            Bm      A
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
D/F#     G   Bm   A    D/F#     G  Bm  A
Your love             is extravagant

A                  Em       (D/F#)G                      A
Spread wide in the arms of Christ   is the love that covers sin
A                      Em  (D/F#)G         A       
No greater love have I ever known  You considered me a friend
Capture my heart again

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