“. . .and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt—and the famine shall consume the land.”
Genesis 41:30b
Never forget from Whom your blessings come when things are going well; that way you’ll not be tempted to forget when everything’s falling apart.
Oh how fickle the arm of flesh! One minute it’s shouting “Praise the Lord!” on the mountaintop of victory; the next minute it’s crying “Why me, Lord?” and wishing it were dead (I Kings 18:20-19:4).
Yet, by it need not be that way—IF we’ll live by faith, not by sight.
As we know, today’s Manna is taken from the beautiful story of Joseph in the land of Egypt. Some 13 years before he was safe-and-sound at home, the apple of his daddy’s eye, enjoying all the creature comforts such a life can afford (Gen. 37:1-3).
But, in one fell swoop all of that changed.
His envious brothers sold him to a passing band of Midianites (Gen. 37:18-28). He went to work for an Egyptian captain of the guard and flourished in all he did “because the Lord was with him” (Gen. 39:1-3).
Yet, soon he’d be falsely accused of attempted rape and thrown into prison (Gen. 37:11-20). And, later he’d be “forgotten for a full two years” by one who’d promised to put in a good word for him with Pharaoh (Gen. 40:14-15, 23; 41:1a).
Even so, Joseph was still faithful. Blooming where he was planted (Gen. 39:21-23).
Instead of allowing seeds of resentment to grow into a full-blown “root of bitterness” (Heb. 12:15), he allowed the “fruits of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23) to flourish in him.
And, we shouldn’t be surprised that the Lord God later moved him from the pit and the prison to the palace. Second-in-command. Overseeing everything Pharaoh had. Glory!!
And, neither should we be surprised “all the plenty was forgotten (by the people) when the famine consumed the land.”
Such is the “nature of the beast.”
Except for Joseph—and all those who “live by faith” the way he did.
Oh, dear Pilgrim, do not be inflated by others’ words of flattery and praise—for, in so doing, you’ll soon be deflated by their words of criticism and condemnation. Neither take for granted God’s blessings “in times of plenty”—for doing so will soon cause you to join the ranks of Job’s wife and cry “Curse God and die” (Job 2:9) when times are rough.
That’s why the Apostle Paul said “I have learned in whatsoever state I’m in to be content. I know how to be abased and I know how to abound—for I can do all things (and go through anything) through Christ, Who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:11-13). Why not stop and give thanks right now, Pilgrim, in your “plenty”? Then, don’t forget to do the same when the cupboard’s bare. . . for “God is faithful” all the time and knows your needs (I Cor. 10:13; Phil. 4:19).