“Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost says, ‘Today, if you will hear His Voice, harden not your heart’. . .”
Hebrews 3:7-8a
Hardened hearts and spiritual hard-of-hearing always travel together.
We’re all born with a spiritual heart condition. It’s called “The Sin Factor.” From birth, we possess minds that are “hostile toward God” (Rom. 8:7) and hearts that are rebellious and resistant to His Voice.
That’s why today’s Manna is such an important one—for many there are who attend worship services every Sunday whose hearts are growing increasingly hardened. Sunday after Sunday they sit under the preaching of God’s Word and the singing of spiritual songs.
But, they are unmoved. Their mind wanders—thinking about their “To Do” list that afternoon or next week.
They can’t remember the last time when they shed any tears over their sinfulness or the lostness of their family or friends. They’re not conversant with the Bible because they never read it.
Their eyes are dry and their faith is old.
All because their heart is cold. Hard as a rock. Untouched and immovable.
No wonder they can’t “hear His Voice.” And, no wonder they’ll never “enter into His Rest” (vv.11, 18).
All because of their unbelief (v.19).
Oh, dear Pilgrim, like physical hardening-of-the-arteries, so is the hardening of the heart. It doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a gradual process of willful rejection of the Holy Spirit’s claims and a resistance to His leading. And, slowly. . .oh, so slowly. . .the heart grows colder and harder. Those tear ducts, from which hot tears of remorse and contrition used to flow, are quite dry and have been for a long time.
And, then they wonder why they don’t feel His touch anymore or get anything out of reading God’s Word anymore.
It’s all because of the hardened heart, which is an “evil heart of unbelief that causes one to depart from the living God” (v.12). They’ve listened more to the evil one’s siren voice, succumbing to “the deceitfulness of sin” as he whispers “Ah, that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with dabbling in sin. Can’t you see everyone’s doing it? And, it’s so deliciously enjoyable. Come on; give it a try just one time. You’ll not regret it!”
But, regret it they will—for as someone once said “When you work for the devil, you pay; but, when you work for God, He pays.”
How’s your “heart’s hearing,” Pilgrim? What’s the Lord Jesus saying to you this morning? Did you hear Him whispering your name early this morning? Or, is He drowned out by the noises of guilt, shame and regret in your heart? “If you would hear His Voice, harden not your heart. . .” The ball’s in your court; the question is “What will you do with it/Him?”
By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated December 13, 2010