Paul in Acts 20 is already giving farewell to Churches they planted and revisited. He knew deep inside him that his time is about to come. And these are his last words to the Christians he ministered.
Acts 20:23-24
23 I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. 24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
Paul’s Life Goal
He fully understand what life means.
“Consider my life worth nothing to me”. And it’s worth nothing if it is for the Lord. Paul knew that his faith will indeed bring him to hardships and persecution. But he also knew, that behind all these, there is something that awaits him, something that will make him better.
There is nothing wrong in taking care of your life. There is nothing wrong in pampering it sometimes. But what’s wrong is if you value it way too much that it has become the most important thing in this world. That is when you start to become aphatetic to other people, when you start to become self-reliant, self-focused, self-indulging.
Paul however knew one thing, his life is Christ’s. It’s no longer his life, but the life of Christ. That’s why he says, “for to me to live is Christ” (Philippians 1:21). This is also in agreement to what Jesus said in Luke 9:23-24: “23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.”
He has a focus
“My only aim is to finish the race.” It is about finishing the race well. It is about not to be disqualified. It is about following the rules. And the rule is living in Christ.
He knows that he is racing with time. He knows it well, in verse 23 of our passage. For him, there is no time to waste. Focus on the goal, and that is to finish the race.
Completing the task
“Testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” One of the distinct characteristics of Paul is his pursuant of completing the task our Lord gave him, and that’s bringing the good news of God’s grace to as many people as possible. That’s what he is saying in 1 Corinthians 9:20-22.
As long as we live, we all know that we have a task to finish. And one of those universal tasks, is about testifying to the good news of God’s grace. It certainly is difficult to share your religion to other people. But it is never difficult to share God’s grace in your life and how He guided you and saved you.
Thank you so much I am not a Pastor just a God loving God fearing woman. I have recently started being called out in public spaces to share the word and encourage others.
I just started without knowing whether I am doing it right or wrong .But went ahead anyway.
Your work is so enlightening and encouraging me to improve and do better in this area. I love God and love how he opens opportunities to teach us. Keep up the good work .I am learning from you.
I really find it tough to prepare sermons. Sometimes I find it easier to teach rather than preach .
I realise that God wants me to be faithful preacher rather than be a successful one. I would appreciate if you can forward some of your sermons for me to read. I would like sermons base on the following themes :
1) Walking in Love
2) Walking in Trust
3) Walking in Obedience
4) Walking in Hope
5) Walking in Holiness
6) Walking in Righteousness
7) Understanding Suffering
8) Importance of forgiveness
9) Living by God’s grace & mercy
10) How to be a good Steward for God
I am trying to prepare the above sermons to preach in my
church for the next 10 months
Richard Tan
I will see what I can do. 🙂
i have loved your sermon and it has given me great encouragement of the sermon which i do preach
For the first time I am viewing your Illustrations; they are simple and to the point. Continue your good work.