“Heaviness in the heart of man makes it stoop; but a good word makes it glad.”

Proverbs 12:25

Never underestimate what God is going to do through the things you say and do today.


Although they come in all shapes and sizes, they’re powerful instruments to be sure.  When used rightly, they raise up another (edification); but, when wielded unwisely, they become devilish instruments of destruction like sharp razors that raze those who hear them.

Who of us has not experienced firsthand the truism of Solomon’s words about a “heavy heart”?  Assuredly, such malady of mind and soul “makes it stoop” (Heb. “shachah”—“to lie prostrate, fall down flat, to depress, etc.”  And, the picture here is one bowed down under a heavy burden.

Yet, interestingly, the word also means “to bow in homage or reverence to royalty or God” and to “humbly beseech.”  Thus, even in our heavy-heart situations we should still cry out to the One Who is our “Burden-Bearer” (Is. 53:4), knowing He will quickly come to our aid as we “cast on Him all of our cares” (I Pet. 5:7; Mt. 11:28-30).

In our Manna we also see the tremendous opportunity and responsibility we have to say “a good word” to those who are “stooped down with sorrow.”  The world is sad enough in its own right without our adding to it by vicious verbs, nasty nouns, acrid adjectives and adverbs, etc.  Much better are “words fitly (Heb. ‘ophen’—‘in season, appropriate, etc.’) spoken”—for they shall be cherished by the recipient as “apples of gold in picture frames of silver” (Prov. 25:11).

Too often when we see someone struggling we hesitate to say anything for fear of making things worse.  And, if we do speak, too often it’s some trite word of encouragement like “Cheer up; it’s going to get better,” which is like throwing a concrete block to a drowning man.

The words that “make a heavy heart glad (Heb. ‘samach’—‘to brighten up, cheer up, become joyful, rejoice, etc.’)” are gracious words that remind the hearer of God’s near Presence and the Savior’s tender care.  They do not minimize or discount the suffering one’s going through; however, they do remind him/her—particularly if they’re a believer—that God is near (Ps. 46:1) and working behind the scenes in his/her life (Rom. 8:28).

What about you, Pilgrim?

How are you doing today?

Is your heart happy or heavy?  Are you stepping up or stooping down?  Are you praising God or feeling pressured?  Whichever best describes you, stop right now and “tell it to Jesus—for He’s a Friend that’s well-known.”

Then ask the Lord to lead you to someone today who needs a “good word from the Lord” and “comfort them with the comfort with which you’ve been comforted” (II Cor. 1:3-4).  You might be surprised at the response you get and Who shows up to join in the conversation (Lk. 24:13-17; Dan. 3:24-25).

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated July 12, 2010

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