A Call For Prayer For Filipinos

Christians Were Also Victims of Typhoon Ondoy For the last few days of following the news, I could not help but to let tears fall from my eyes seeing my fellow Filipinos suffering from the catastrophic effect of the Typhoon Ondoy. There were already close to 100 death...

Us AND Them by Dan Beaty: Essay About Organized Church

Viewing the Organized Church For the past 7 years since my wife and I began doing Home Church, one question has persisted: How do we view the denominational/organized churches and those who attend them? I have to admit that my initial feeling was one of distaste and...

Rethinking the Church by J.P. Leo Castillo

Nowadays, when a well-meaning friend or acquaintance asks me, “Where do you go to church?” I often catch myself groping hard for a non-controversial answer. Because to me, this question reveals an almost unquestioned assumption that church refers to building or to an...

Music Clinic In OLCM

May 6-8, some of the young adults from Cainta Baptist Church and a young pastor from Tagbilaran came to Ormoc Lighthouse Christian ministry to teach and share valuable things concerning music ministry in our churches. Ptr. Gumps Beltran taught voice lesson, playing...

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