“. . .and, behold, there were very many in the open valley—and, lo, they were very dry.”

Ezekiel 37:2b

     If you’re feeling dried up and disjointed, this Manna’s for you.

     Did you wake up with a spring in your step, a song in your heart and a smile on your face this morning, dear Pilgrim?  Or, did you wake up with a burdened heart and a sense of drudgery for the day, tinged by the pervading despair you’ve felt for a long time?


     If the latter more describes you than the former, then spend some time chewing the cud on today’s Manna—for it’s truly a “Message of Hope” for those who find themselves in “The Valley of Dry Bones.”


     It’s clear those bones in Ezekiel’s vision once belonged to someone.  And, in light of the fact that a large army arose after God’s miracle would lead us to think that they may have been one beforehand.


     But, that really doesn’t matter, does it?

     No, not really—especially when we realize the prophet’s vision may be a parable of what the God of Abraham was about to do for the nation Judah as He led them out of 70 years of Babylonian captivity.


     Regardless, the message of today’s Manna is this:  “Nothing is impossible with God” (Lk. 1:37; Gen. 18:14).

     The fact that these bones “were very dry”—i.e., brittle and bleached out, having been there for a long time— reminds us that no life or situation. . .regardless of how hopeless it may seem    . . .is beyond God’s redemptive, Resurrection power.


     Likewise, these bones were scattered.  As we know from personal observation, when something dies out in a pasture or the woods, the first ones on the scene are the wild animals to devour the dead animal, ripping the flesh from its bones.  And, sometimes those predators will haul off a leg or shoulder so they can eat it in peace. Then the buzzards or vultures arrive, the stench of death attracting them from afar.


     So, yes, those dry bones were also disjointed bones.  And, so often that’s exactly the way we feel when our lives have fallen apart.  We used to feel “connected”. . .having a “purpose-driven life”. . .possessing great initiative and drive.  But, now we’re “scatterbrained” and even feel like “we’re losing it.”


     That’s why we must hear the Master quietly drawing near and asking, “O, weary one, can these dry, disjointed bones (your life) live again?  Can you envision a time when once again you’ll have purpose, feel love, joy, peace-of-mind, etc.?”


     Hopefully, our answer will be that of Ezekiel:  “O, Lord, only You know.”  Then, may we like the prophet (whose name means “God will strengthen”) allow the God of New Beginnings to work in/through us as we become His “co-laborer” (I Cor. 2:9) in starting all over again.  It’s never too late, Pilgrim.  Phase Two of the Journey begins now.

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated February 3, 2010

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