“And you shall seek Me and find Me when you shall search for Me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13

     He’s not hiding; He’s waiting.

     In the quietness of the night; He’s there.  In the hustle-and-bustle of the shopping mall; He’s there.  In the wonder of the woodlands; He’s there.  In the barrenness of the desert; He’s there.  In the thinning air of the lofty mountain peaks; He’s there.  In the dark dankness of the deepest valley; He’s there.


     Waiting.  Longing.  Looking.

     For you.

     Whispering, “Seek Me, My Child.  Let your heart rise up to Me.  From the deep depths of your soul cry out to Me.  And, I will hear. . .and answer. . .and come to you.”


     “But, I am so sinful,” comes the muffled, mournful cry.

     “My sins are so many.  My thoughts so evil; my mouth so unclean; my deeds so unloving.  How can I possibly ‘ascend unto Your Holy Hill or stand in Your Holy Place—for I have not clean hands or a pure heart and have lifted up my soul unto vanity and sworn deceitfully’ (Ps. 24:3-4)?”


      “Do not fear,” comes His quiet reply.

     “For I have made provisions for your drawing near through the Blood of My Precious Lamb.  He suffered much for you, yet did it willingly so you could find Me when you seek Me.


     “But you must seek Me with your whole heart—not just part of it.

     “I will not be found by those who half-heartedly seek Me, for their pride is too great and their arm of flesh too strong.

     “Only those who realize their utter need of Me will find Me and feel they cannot live without Me will find Me in their hour of need.


     “So, seek Me, weary one.

     “Seek Me with every part of your being.  And, I will be found of You.  Why, even now I’m as close as your next breath. 

     “My ears are open to your cry and My arms are open to gather you in.

     “But you must want Me more than anything else in life or you’ll never know that I’m your Best Friend.


     “There, did you hear it?  Did you hear My whisper of Love?

      “It came to you in the quietness of this moment as you were still. . .listening for My Voice  . . . desperately longing to feel My Touch.

     “Even now I’m brushing up against you—putting My arms around you and holding you close.  Lie your head down upon My breast and rest on Me.  I’ll take care of the rest.”

By Tom Smith Morning Manna Dated March 2, 2010

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