“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel—not with wisdom of words, lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect. . .For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
I Corinthians 1:17; 2:2
Remembering this will keep our message and method simple and keep the focus on the One Who really matters.
That’s the need of this present hour in a world so lost and far from God. And, as Paul so beautifully said in today’s Manna, our Message is indeed a simple one about Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Maybe that’s why Jn. 3:16 will always be “The Gospel In A Nutshell.” Hallelujah!!
Yes, dear Pilgrim, too often we speak (as someone called it) “Christianese” to a world that can’t understand a word we’re saying. Their “minds are blinded by the god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4). They can’t “comprehend the things of the Spirit of God for they are spiritually-discerned” (I Cor. 2:14). That’s why we must keep it simple and meet them where they are.
Why, then, do we continue on anyway and try to adopt the world’s strategy in pageantry and programs. . .marketing and modeling. . .trying to make “bad men better” instead of telling them Jesus came to make “dead men live”??
We should not be surprised that there’ll always be those who reject us and our Message. It happened in Paul’s day. And, it’ll happen in ours—for the “Greeks” (the enlightened ones) and the “Jews” (the religious ones) are still with us (I Cor. 1:18-24). But, that shouldn’t deter us; instead, it should encourage us to stay the course and continue proclaiming unshamedly “There’s only One Way of Salvation—and it’s the way of the Christ and the Cross.” Glory!!
Paul was quick to point out he wasn’t reliant upon his insights into Scripture or his eloquence of speech to convince others of their sinfulness and need of a Savior (1:17; 2:1, 3-4). Why was that? Simply because he didn’t want converts to him; he wanted others to come in contact with the Risen Lord and knew their change in life would be because of Christ and not him. He also knew “their faith would then rest in God’s power, not his personal persuasion” (2:5).
Who do you know that’s living “without God and without hope” (Eph. 2:12)? Could it be the Lord Jesus has planted you in their lives (and vice versa) so you can tell them of the Father’s Love and how He longs to pardon them and adopt them into His Family?
Why not pray right now that the Holy Spirit will open a door today or this week for you to share with them the Good News of Christ’s Love? As He does, walk through that door and share with them “The Simplicity of the Gospel” that says: 1. God has a plan for our lives; 2. We have a problem (sin); 3. He has made Provisions for our sin (Jesus’ death on the Cross); 4. We must simply respond to Him in faith and repentance. Amen and amen.
Go on. Tell them. Rely totally upon the Holy Spirit. Then watch Him work.