Taking A Deeper Look In An Organic Church

Starting a new congregation or let say a new church is not easy and may require lots of labor and lots of patience, not to mention all those people who needs to be involved in this task and the amount of money that is needed (depending on the method used).

An Organic Church is alive.

An Organic Church is alive.

Aside from all these, the main movement that we are pushing through right now is what we call the “Organic Church.” This is a kind of church that grows not just merely in numbers but in maturity and reaching out more people for the Lord.

Sometimes, we have the misconception that a growing church is based on numbers. But in Organic Church, we based the growth to the amount of workers and people who reaches out in the field. And this is being measured in the ratio of the church membership.

Let us say, in a small church, you have about 70 members. How many of them handle Bible Studies? How many of them evangelize continuously? How many of them is involve in the leadership of your church? How many of them are involve in missions or at least supporting a missionary?

If the ratio is too small, then you better think if your church is really an Organic Church or not.

The Organic Church reproduce itself. This means that a church that does not reproduce itself is not organic. This is one of the main differences between “House Churches” and “Mega Churches”. Mega churches continuously grow, but are not reproducing itself. Most house churches on the other hand grows until such time that it is capable in reproducing itself. In most cases, this process takes about 2-3 years. It is when the congregation realizes and have been taught that they themselves needs to reach more people in the Lord.

Now that you know at least some of the differences, look at you church, can you say that your church is an Organic Church? There are mega churches that continuously grow. But many of them is grows not through evangelism, but through transferee of memberships from other smaller churches. This kind of growth is not actually growth but a fake growth. Sometimes, pastors were disillusioned by the numbers of their congregation. But then again, the test does not just come by the numbers, but by how many of them really accepted Jesus Christ because you shared them the gospel.

Below is my HIGHLY RECOMMENDED reading material. Don’t miss this book. It will open up your eyes to the real situation of Christianity. Simply click the link below to see how can you get this awesome book.

981290: Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens

By Neil Cole / John Wiley & Sons

Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members – revised vision statements, hipper worship, contemporary music, livelier sermons, bigger and better auditoriums. But there are still so many people who aren’t being reached, who don’t want to come to church. And the truth is that attendance at church on Sundays does not necessarily transform lives; God’s presence in our hearts is what changes us. Leaders and laypeople everywhere are realizing that they need new and more powerful ways to help them spread God’s Word. According to international church starter and pastor Neil Cole, if we want to connect with young people and those who are not coming to church, we must go where people congregate. Cole shows readers how to plant the seeds of the Kingdom of God in the places where life happens and where culture is formed – restaurants, bars, coffeehouses, parks, locker rooms, and neighborhoods. Organic Church offers a hands-on guide for demystifying this new model of church and shows the practical aspects of implementing it.

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