Lesson 4: Three Aspects of Salvation

Teach them participatory worship in small groups. Continue to encourage them to be obedient and to do their assignments.  The more strict you can be with them, the more they will be strict with their disciples.

The items for accountability are:

Did you read your Bible at least 5 min/day?
Did you listen for God to speak during Quiet Time?  Have them show journal or share 1 insight from their reading and their obedience to what God showed them.
Did you share the Hand Presentation with at least 5 people?  Tell me their names?
Did you share the last teaching/lesson with 3 people?  Tell me their names.

Spiritual Emphasis: Salvation can be seen in 3 ways: Past, Present and Future.

Lesson –
1.  Read Phil. 1:6  This verse clearly shows that there is a beginning point in your salvation.  It uses the word, “began.” And it also shows the continuing nature of God’s work in this salvation because it says He will “carry it on.” And finally there will be a finishing point to your salvation because it says “to completion until the day of Jesus Christ,” which means when He comes back.  So this shows us the 3 tenses of our salvation: Past, Present, Future.

2.  Read Eph. 2:5 & 8 The Bible clearly states, “…you have been saved.”  This is in the past tense.  It is a “done deal.”  When Jesus died on the cross, he said, “It is finished.”  He paid the price for our sin.  We have been saved from the penalty of our sin.  Jesus paid it for us with His blood, His death on the cross.  (Past)

3.   Read 1 Cor. 15:50-55. When Christ returns, He will catch us up to be with Him and we shall be changed.  Our perishable, mortal body shall become imperishable – forever.  (Future)

4.   Read Rev. 20:14. At the final judgment, even Death and Hell itself will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.  This Lake of Fire is the Second Death.  We will be saved even from the presence of Sin, from Satan, from Death and Hell.  (Future)

5.   Read Phil. 2:12-13.  God works our salvation into us.  We work it out, living a holy life, not in order to BE SAVED, but because we HAVE BEEN SAVED already.  We become what we already are.  (Present)

6.   *Read 1 John 3:1-2.   We will become like Him, because we will see Him as he really is.  This is our final destiny.  So this life is our becoming what God knows we will be.  (Present)

7.   *Read Rom. 6:5-7.  You accepted Christ as your savior at a certain point in time.  Christ will come again someday,…at a certain point in time.  That’s the past and the future  –  a point in time.  This present life is a process.  We have been saved from the penalty of sin.  We will be saved from the presence of sin.  We are being saved from the power of sin. We are no longer slaves to sin.  We are free.  We don’t have to sin.  He has given us the power to live godly lives.  (Past, Present, Future)

8.   *Read 2 Cor. 3:18.  We are being transformed into His image, little by little, everyday as we continually surrender our will to Him and follow Him.  (Present)

(* These points can be used or not as needed.)

Do you understand this lesson?  Are there any questions?

Have them practice the lesson.

Verse to Memorize:
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  Phil. 1:6

How To Obey: There should be no doubt in their minds as to their salvation.  If they have made a profession of faith in Christ, help them to be sure and to know when that was.  Next, they need to make sure there is no known sin in their life that they are ignoring or trying to hide.  There should be evidence of godly living.  Lead them to confess and forsake any known sin in order to live a godly life.

They need to continue to share this lesson with other people. They need to also continue to be reading and applying God’s Word daily. If needed, they can start journeling (writing down their daily devotional time with God) to show evidence of their obedience in this.

Regular Assignment:

Read your Bible at least 5 min/day.
Listen for God to speak to you during your QT.  Write any special insights He shows you and especially write how you obeyed this insight.
Share the Hand Presentation 3 x with people this week.  List their names.
Share this lesson 5 x with different people this week.  List the names of the ones you share with.

– Pray for needs in group and ask for God to confirm His message in their lives through Spirit’s witness.

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