Unlimiting God by Richard Blackaby is about getting to a higher level of experiencing God. The analogy is simple, if God possess an unlimited power and love, then we should also unlimit the works of God in our lives.

As human beings, we are easily entangled with the challenges of life. Yet this book teaches us to unlimit God. There are more in God. We can have extra ordinary experience with the Lord as well as greater knowledge and deeper relationship with Him.Unlimiting God by Henry Blackaby

This book is about allowing God to work in your life no matter how ordinary you are, for God can work extraordinarily even in the lives of ordinary people. Yet this can only happen if we allow him to do so.

So you want to be spiritually unlimited? Then read this book. This book got my HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!

Who Should Read This Book?

The book can reach teenagers to adult. It can be read by ordinary people for them to see that God can also work in their lives as long as they will allow it.

Deacons and church leaders can also read this book. In fact, they really need to read this book simply because, this book can help widen their views about God. It is not all about position inside the church but it is about experiencing the Creator every day in our lives.

If you are a business man and you are currently in deep trouble, this book will have you explore the grace of the unlimited God. This is where you can see how God works in an unlimited manner.

About the Author:

Dr. Richard Blackaby is the president of the Blackaby Ministries International where he also works with his father Henry. He speaks in leadership seminars and has been a president of a seminary for a long time. He also authored “Putting a Faith on Grace: Living a Life Worth Passing On.”

Some books that he co-authored are:

  • Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing His Will
  • Blackaby Study Bible: Personal Encounters with God Through His Word
  • Hearing God’s Voice
  • Spiritual Leadership: Moving On To God’s Agenda
  • Spiritual Leadership: The Interactive Study
  • Etc.
For Philippine orders, this book is available in Church Strengthening Ministry.
If you are living in the US you can get this book here:
529416: Unlimiting God: Increasing Your Capacity to Experience the Divine Unlimiting God: Increasing Your Capacity to Experience the DivineBy Richard Blackaby / Multnomah Publishers, Inc.

Ever wonder why God seems to “play favorites” by using some people so powerfully and not others? Or reveals profound truths—but not to you? Offering biblical answers to these questions, Blackaby invites you to overcome self-imposed limits; realize that you are meant to live victoriously; incorporate God’s promises into your life; and experience incalculable rewards! 176 pages, hardcover from Multnomah.

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